

  • Blockchain Adoption, Management, and Application

    In today’s complex environment organizations are embarking on Digital Transformation journey. Compared to existing systems, blockchains are faster, cheaper, more reliable, and much more secure. For example, in healthcare, patients often have medical history scattered among various medical records maintained in several health-care establishments. The data is available only in the scope of those specific systems. Having a Blockchain Medical Profile to store an individual’s medical profile that is accessible from anywhere at the time of need. This omnipresence of the medical data will be a boon for the field of medical informatics. Similarly, in financial institutions, transactions that happens within and among financial institutions can be delivered, provided immediately, shared, and completely transparent stored on an immutable ledger via Blockchain technology. The faster the information is received and the more accurate it is, the better. Blockchain is ideal for delivering that information because it provides immediate, shared and completely transparent information stored on an immutable ledger that can be accessed only by permissioned network members. Blockchain technology and its infrastructure (hardware, software, and facilities, connectivity, mobility, performance, and security and such can be easily deployed and managed using ITIL best practices. Speakers: Waseem Ahmed, VP IT Production Operations, Citibank NA Atif Farid Mohammad PhD, Adjunct Professor, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, UNC Charlotte Read More

  • Who am I? Managing Self-Identity with Hybrid Consensus Algorithm of Blockchain

    The talk envisages a consolidated proof-of-concept to deploy a single encrypted platform and to secure all your IoT device identities without information leakage, attacks/threats unlikely to the existing solutions of self identity or self sovereign of documents only. The end-objective is to conceive a niche hybrid consensus algorithm, which will enlighten smart access for all designated device credentials, agreed & transparent among the actual (real) device owners. The new genre of hybrid blockchain as service has an exceptional role to play here. More than one existing consensus algorithms of Blockchain service is modified and finally new analytical & generic solution will be presented towards with respect to the specific use-case. The talk will also highlight the distinguishable differences between the keywords e.g. Authentication, Encryption and Trust on the relevant data for devices. Find out more on it on my session at 8th March 2022,11 AM ( UK time) Read More

  • Sygnum

    Webinars, live events & interviews from our digital asset specialists Read More